
7 Fascinating AI Tools You’ve Never Seen Before (And Their Free Alternatives)

1. Locus: A Chrome Extension for Smarter Searches

Visit Official website of Locus Extension

Locus is a Chrome extension that promises to enhance your search capabilities, allowing you to find relevant information even if the specific keywords you’re looking for aren’t mentioned in the article. However, upon closer inspection, this tool may not be as unique as it seems.

“While Locus offers a paid plan for $9 per month, there are already free tools like Perplexity and the free version of Anthropic’s Claude that can provide similar summarization and question-answering capabilities.” These existing solutions may be a better option for most users, as they don’t require a subscription fee.

Visit Locust extension official website

2. Intellisay: A Hands-Free Task Manager

Intellisay is a tool that allows you to create a daily task list by simply speaking into the app. It provides the convenience of a checklist with checkboxes to mark tasks as complete. However, this functionality can also be achieved for free using existing tools like the voice-to-text feature in Google Assistant or the task management capabilities of ChatGPT or the free version of Claude.

While Intellisay’s $3 per month subscription fee may be reasonable, “users should consider whether the added convenience is worth the cost, especially when there are free alternatives available that can accomplish similar tasks. The free alternative for achieveing similar task is flowlist.io

Visit Intellisay official website

3. Blogfox: Automating Blog Post Creation from YouTube Videos

Blogfox is a tool that claims to convert YouTube videos into high-quality blog posts. This can be a useful feature, as it can save time and effort for content creators. However, the pricing of Blogfox, which starts at $9 per month for 3 blog posts, may not be the most cost-effective option.

“Users can achieve similar results by using the free version of ChatGPT or Claude to transcribe the video, generate an outline, and write the blog post”. While this may require a few more manual steps, it can be a more affordable solution for those who don’t need to produce a large volume of blog posts each month. The free alternative for achieveing similar task is Videotoblog.ai

Visit blogfox.ai official website

4. Geospy: Identifying Locations from Images

Geospy is a tool that claims to be able to determine the location where a photo was taken based on the visual information in the image. This can be a useful feature, especially for photographers or travelers who want to identify the specific locations of their photos.

Visit geospy.ai official website

5. Recraft: AI-Powered Vector Graphics Creation

Recraft is a tool that allows users to generate vector graphics using AI. This can be a valuable feature for designers or content creators who need to create scalable, high-quality images. Recraft’s free version offers a good range of features, making it a compelling option for those in need of vector graphics.

“While there may not be a direct free alternative to Recraft’s specific vector graphics generation capabilities, users can explore other free tools like Inkscape or the vector graphics features in Canva to create similar types of images”.

Visit recraft.ai official website

6. Brainy Documents: Automated Video Presentations from PDFs

Brainy Documents is a tool that claims to convert PDF documents into automated video presentations, complete with narration. This can be a useful feature for those who need to create educational or informational videos quickly.

However, the pricing of Brainy Documents, which starts at $10 per month for 3 PDFs, may be a deterrent for some users. “Those who are willing to invest a bit more time can achieve similar results by using the free versions of ChatGPT or Claude to summarize the PDF, generate a script, and then use a text-to-speech tool like 11 Labs to create the narration”.

Visit brainydocuments official website

7. Infinite Craft: A Captivating AI-Powered Game

Infinite Craft is a free game that allows users to combine different elements (such as fire, water, and earth) to create new, often whimsical, objects and creatures. This game showcases the creative potential of AI and can be a fun and engaging way to explore the capabilities of this technology.

As a free game, Infinite Craft is an excellent example of how AI can be used for entertainment and creative expression, without the need for any monetary investment.

Visit infinite craft official website


While the tools presented in this article offer unique and innovative features, many of them can be replicated or approximated using free alternatives. By exploring these free options, users can save money while still accessing the core functionality they need.

The key for the creators of these tools is to find ways to differentiate their offerings, build a strong community, and provide features that truly set them apart from the free alternatives. By focusing on these aspects, they can create sustainable and valuable products that users will be willing to pay for.

Ultimately, the goal of this article is not to discourage the development of new AI tools, but to provide users with a balanced perspective on the options available to them, both paid and free. By understanding the alternatives, users can make more informed decisions about the tools they choose to invest in.

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